Seminar and National Congress II Association of Indonesian Stem Cells

Seminar and National Congress II Association of Indonesian Stem Cells

National Seminar and Congress II The Association of Indonesian Stem Cells (ASPI) with the theme “Indonesia Stem Cell Summit” was held at IPB International Convention Center Bogor on 6 – 7 February 2016. The event was filled by 4 main speakers from Japan, America and Indonesia. ; and 20 speakers invited to represent institutions that have carried out research and / or stem cell therapy services. One of the speakers was the Head of PSSP LPPM IPB, Dr. drh. Joko Pamungkas, MSc who delivered a presentation entitled “Development of Nonhuman Primate Stem Cells in Indonesia”. PSSP IPB researchers participated in poster presentations, namely Silmi Mariya, SSi, MSi, Dr. drh. Diah Iskandriati, drh. Fitriya N. A Dewi, PhD and Dr. dr. Irma H. ​​Suparto, MS with the title Mamosphere Culture of Cells Derived from Macaca fascicularis, Mammosphere Development of Cultures of Long Tailed Mammary Gland Epithelial Cells (Macaca fascicularis) in Various Reproductive Phases and Cardiomyocytes Differentitation Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.