Call for Papers
Primate Research Center IPB University is currently managing a scientific journal called “Indonesian Journal of Primatology (InaJP)” which now has two issues (journal.ipb.ac.id/primatology) and in the process of obtaining Scopus indexing and SINTA accreditation. InaJP is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal that publishes significant and important research from all areas of primatology fields such as biomedical, biology, and conservation. Bio-anthropology, bio-psychology, social, policy, and environmental aspects of primatology are covered by InaJP.
We are now accepting manuscripts for June and December 2024 issues. We invite you, your colleagues, and your students to submit research manuscripts that are included in those primatology aspects through: ipb.link/submit-inajp. The template of the manuscript can be accessed through: ipb.link/inajp-template. The process from submission until publication is free of charge.
If you have any questions regarding InaJP and its submission process, kindly contact us through email at inajp@apps.ipb.ac.id.