Submission of Competency Certificate

Submission of Competency Certificate

Submission of Competency Certificate

The Animal Health Professional Certification Institute (LSP) whose formation is under the initiative of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PB PDHI) has held a Competency Test for Laboratory Veterinary Practitioners Veterinarians in 2016.

The veterinarians who have graduated and are entitled to obtain the Competency Certificate as Laboratory Practical Veterinarians (PHL Veterinarians) in Indonesia are:

  1. Drh. Imelda L. Winoto
  2. Drh. Permanawati (PJ Lab Hewan Penelitian PSSP)

The official submission of the PHL Veterinary Competency Certificate was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 in the PSSP Meeting Room of LPPM-IPB.