Public Lecture Prof. Kyoko Inagaki-Ohara from Hiroshima Prefectural University at the Primate Animal Study Center LPPM-IPB
Public Lecture Prof. Kyoko Inagaki-Ohara from Hiroshima Prefectural University at the Primate Animal Study Center LPPM-IPB
Public Lecture Prof. Kyoko Inagaki-Ohara from Hiroshima Prefectural University at the Primate Animal Study Center of LPPM-IPB, held on September 4, 2018. Prof. Kyoko Inagaki-Ohara delivered a lecture on the function of leptin in relation to the incidence of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Prof. Inagaki’s research on this topic was carried out on mice model animals, both transgenic conditional SOCS3 knockout mice and ob / ob mice which were obese model animals that experienced spontaneous mutations.
Prof. Inagaki outlines the importance of research in the basic science field that is carried out comprehensively with histopathological and molecular approaches.