Daya Inhibisi Ekstrak Flavonoid Buah Mahkota Dewa (Phalreia macrocarpa) Terhadap Enzim α-Glukosidase
Author: Irma H. Suparto, Wulan Tri Wahyuni, Rolif HartikaAbstract
Fruit of Phaleria macrocarpa or mahkota dewa, as local name, empirically has been used as antidiabetic. Its blood glucose lowering mechanism is still unknown. One of the known antidiabetic mechanisms is by controlling post pmndial blood glucose level through the inhibition of a-glucosidase enzyme. Therefore, the objective of this study is to obtain flavonoid fiaction of P. macrocarpa with certain ripeness based on the fruit color that has the highest in vitro inhibition of a-glucosidase enzyme. FIavonoid extract of ripe fruit inhibition activity was compared to medium ripe and unripe fi’uit based on its color (red to green). The highest enzyme inhibition activity was found in the flavonoid extract of the ripest fruit (40.26%). Ftuther flavonoid fractionation showed that flavonol inhibition activity was higher (-41.97%) compared to flavon fraction (8.81%). Column chromatography separation of flavonol fraction with chloroform, acetic acid, and water (67.5:45:6) as eluent yield 7 fractions. In vitro enzyme activity showed that fiaction with the highest inhibition for glucosidase enzyme was 80.08%. Based on its maximum absorption with UV spectrophotometer at 257 nm and infrared spectrum, confirmed that the fractionis fimctional group was flavonoid.
Kata kunci: mahkota dewa, inhibisi u-glukosidase, in vitro, flavonoid.