Outreach Education at SMPN 5 Bogor

Outreach Education at SMPN 5 Bogor

Outreach Education di SMPN 5 Bogor

Bogor, November 13, 2017. Primate Animal Study Center (PSSP) LPPM-IPB carried out outreach education activities at Bogor 5 Public Middle School. The activity lasted for 3 days (13.15-16-16 2017). The speakers at the event were staff and employees of PSSP LPPM-IPB and Ps Primatology students.

The first day of outreach education activities at Bogor 5 Junior High School took place interestingly. The younger siblings at Bogor 5 Junior High School were so enthusiastic about the material provided by the resource person. Class 7B, 7F and 7H get the first opportunity in outreach education activities.

Sesi Games di kelas 7B

Games session in class 7B

Ardi Wiranata memimpin outreach di Kelas 7H

Ardi Wiranata leads an outreach in Class 7H