![IPB Press Release, Chronology of the Sinking of KM Orange Rompok Field Tinjil Island 2018 IPB Press Release, Chronology of the Sinking of KM Orange Rompok Field Tinjil Island 2018](https://primata.ipb.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Untitled-4.jpg)
IPB Press Release, Chronology of the Sinking of KM Orange Rompok Field Tinjil Island 2018
IPB Press Release, Chronology of the Sinking of KM Orange Rompok Field Tinjil Island 2018
Thursday July 19, 2018, the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) mourns the accident of the sinking of the KM Orange boat in the entrance area of Muara Binuangen at around 14:00 WIB. KM Orange, who took home the 2018 Tinjil Island Course Course participants, was led by Juber, with 24 passengers, including the captain and crew, hit by waves on the ship’s right hull which caused the ship to turn upside down.
The 2018 Tinjil Island Field Course was organized by the Primate Animal Study Center (PSSP) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).
Based on the explanation from Dr. Ir. Entang Iskandar, MSi, PSSP secretary and Field Course Coordinator who joined the group of affected ships, in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Safety, all passengers on the boat used a life vest. But after the ship was hit by the waves, a number of passengers lost their life jackets which were detached due to the severity of the waves and the ship’s material.
“With good cooperation and mutual assistance between field course groups, as well as the help of the community and local officials, all passengers were evacuated to the beach and rushed to Muara Binuangen Health Center. One student from the University of Washington USA received one night care at the Puskemas and current conditions already recovered, while the two cooking assistants during the field course who were local residents of Binuangen could not be helped “.
All other group participants were students of the University of Washington USA, students of the Primatology Study Program of the IPB Postgraduate School, Sebelas Maret University students, IPB PSSP Staff and American speakers, currently in good condition.
“On Friday, July 20, 2018, the IPB bus group was ready on location to pick up field course participants and Saturday July 21, 2018 at 5 am, all participants had moved on their way back to Bogor. All were in healthy physical condition and hopefully continued to be given health and safety.
IPB Chancellor Dr. Arif Satria, Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Information Systems Prof. Dr. Dodik R Nurrochmat, Head of LPPM Dr. Aji Hermawan, Head of IPB PSSP drh. Huda S Darusman and the IPB team on Friday July 20 2018 arrived at Binuangen to visit field course participants. The Chancellor had the opportunity to provide support and warm conversation with the participants, to restore the condition of the participants who of course shocked the disaster.
The Chancellor also had the opportunity to visit the families of the dead victims, namely the late Ibu Atiah and Ibu Emah. The Chancellor and the entire extended family of IPB expressed their deep condolences to the families of the victims accompanied by gratitude for the deceased’s second assistance in supporting the field course activities in Tinjil Island.
The Field Course 2018 aims to disseminate knowledge about primate animals, habitats and conservation efforts, research methods in the field, human-primate problems, conflicts and environmental problems and global health.
In addition to the development of science, this field course is also a means of effective interaction and cultural exchange between Indonesian students and foreign students.
“At the end of field course activities, an outreach education program is conducted for elementary school children around the Base Camp. This activity is a form of social service carried out by the PSSP,” said drh. Huda.
According to him, the Field Course in Conservation Biology & Global Health program is the annual routine program of the IPB PSSP which began in 1991. This program is a collaboration with the Center for Global Field Study, University of Washington, USA.
At the beginning of the implementation, this field course was only attended by IPB students, then involved students from various universities in Indonesia such as UI, UGM, Unpad, Udayana, Unsrat and UNS. Apart from that, it is often followed by staff and Forestry Agencies, LIPI, Perhutani and NGOs.
In 1995, students from the University of Washington began taking this program. In the following years there were also students from Cambridge, Uppsala, Miyazaki, Mahasarakam, Oregon Community College and Trinity University who participated in this field course activity.
“Teaching staff / resource persons from the course came from IPB, the University of Washington, UNS, UI, Centra Oregon Community College, Mahasarakam University and Trinity University.
This program has produced professors namely Prof. Matthew alumnus field course 1995, from Oregon State University who also brought students from Oregon to become participants in the Field Course training on Tinjil Island “.
Source: Bogor Agricultural Institute Communication Bureau
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