Field Course in 2016 Conservation Biology and Global Health

Field Course in 2016 Conservation Biology and Global Health

The IPB Primate Animal Study Center in collaboration with the Center for Global Field Study, University of Washington, USA will re-organize the “Field Course in Conservation Biology and Global Health” on Tinjil Island on August 6-27 2016. This program is an annual training program that aims to provide field-based education and the opportunity to conduct research for individuals who have an interest in the fields of Conservation Biology, Animal Behavior, Primatology, Environment and Global Health.


Prof. Randall C Kyes (Center for Global Field Study, and Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, USA);
Dr. Entang Iskandar (Center for IPB Primate Animal Studies);

Dr. Drh. Joko Pamungkas, MSc (IPB Primate Animal Study Center)

Other guest instructors from the IPB Primate Animal Study Center and other universities.
For more information, contact:

Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Telp. : +62-251-8320417 / 8313637 (Tita / Yuni)

Fax. : +62-251-8360712

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