Comparative Study to ANRI

Comparative Study to ANRI

Comparative Study to ANRI

Friday – June 3, 2016. Head of Administration (KTU) Center for Primate Animal Studies (PSSP) LPPM-IPB, R. Muhamad Maulana and PSSP Administrative Staff LPPM-IPB, Tita Ratnasari participated in a comparative study to ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) in Jl. Ampera Raya No. 7 Jakarta, organized by the Directorate of Human Resources – Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). R. Muhamad Maulana is a participant of the Archivist’s functional training training in the 2016 academic year, while Tita Ratnasari is a training participant in the basic archive of IPB in the academic year 2016. Comparative study activities must be attended by all training participants as a series of closures of basic Archives training activities and IPB expert academic year 2016 which has been held for 3 months, starting from 11 April 2016.