Analisis Hematologi, Nilai Kecernaan dan Tingkah Laku Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) Jantan Obes yang Diintervensi Nikotin
Abstract: This study was designed to obtain the information of hematological, development digestibility values, and behavioral conditions of 15 male obese long-tailed macaques, prior and after intervention with nicotine.The study was implemented in two phases, the first phase was collecting of haematological, digestibility data, and behavior observation, prior to intervention with a nicotine solution. The second phase consisted of the collection of of haematological, digestibility data, and behavior observation during the intervention period with a nicotine solution (0.75 mg/kg body weight/12 hours). The study used a Complete Randomized Design nested in time which was analized with SAS version 6.12. software, to find any correlation of behavior with haematological and digestibility values. The results of the study showed that there was a significantly decrease (P<0.01) in haematologial values of red blood cells, haematocrits and platelets during the intervention with the nicotine solution but there was a significantly (P<0.01) increase in the values of haemoglobin. The intervention with nicotine caused an increase in the digestibility values and a decrease of feed consumption (P<0.01). Otherwise decrease in body weight and body mass index (BMI) occurred (P>0.05). The intervention of nicotine caused the long-tailed macaques to be more active, which was indicated by increased feeding and drinking, self grooming and locomotion frequencies.
Keywords: obesity, nicotine, long-tailed macaque, haematology, consumption, digestibility, behavior and body mass index.