Research Collaboration with the University of Copenhagen

Research Collaboration with the University of Copenhagen

Research Collaboration with the University of Copenhagen

Research collaboration is one of the missions of the Center for Primate Animal Studies (PSSP) LPPM-IPB as a research and community service institution. The aim is to develop and implement collaborations with diverse institutions both from within and outside the country to provide knowledge and technology transfers, exchange of information and expertise, as well as research and education at primatology. The output of research collaboration must ultimately have value for the community. As well as the research collaboration that was established between the PSSP LPPM-IPB and the University of Copenhagen. The collaboration focuses on the field of microbiology and immunology (Vaccination of Papilloma Virus).

On December 6-22, 2016, Emilyn was sent as a representative of the University of Copenhagen to conduct research at the PSSP LPPM-IPB as a follow-up to the agreed-upon collaboration.