National Congress and Symposium

National Congress and Symposium

4th National Congress and Symposium of Perhimpunan Ahli dan Pemerhati Primata Indonesia (PERHAPPI) at IPB International Convention Center. Bogor, Indonesia

National Congress and Symposium 4th Indonesian Primate Expert Association and Observer (PERHAPPI) in
IPB International Convention Center. Bogor, Indonesia

1. Conservation and crisis of primate animals in Indonesia.
2. Biology, Genetics, and Reproductive Health.
3. Taxonomy, ecology and behavior include nocturnal primates
4. Problems with rehabilitation and their relationship to weather changes

We have four oral presentation sessions covering the above topics including at least 30 posters. If you need further information please contact us at the address below

Congress & SimpoNas Secretariat PERHAPPI:

Jl. Lodaya II No.5,Bogor.16151

Tel : +62-251-8320417; 8313637

Fax : +62-251-8360712