Nycticebus coucang

Nycticebus coucang

Common names: kukang, malu-malu, bukang (Indonesia); Greater slow loris, Sunda slow loris, Slow loris (Inggris); Loris lent (French); Loris lento (Spanish)

This taxon formerly included Nycticebus bengalensis, N. javanicus, and N. menagensis as subspecies. A small hybridization zone is found between this species and N. bengalensis in southern peninsular Thailand.

Further taxonomic revision may be necessary. Some authors consider the form from the Natuna islands to be a unique subspecies, N. c. natunae.

This species found in Indonesia (Sumatera, Batam and Galang in the Riau Archipelago, Tebingtinggi Island and Bunguran in the North Natuna Islands), Malaysia (on the Peninsula and the island of Tioman Island), southern peninsular Thailand (from the Isthmus of Kra southward), and Singapore.

Theur habitat in primary and secondary lowland forest, gardens, and plantations. It is seen more often in the edge habitat of forest, possibly because it has more supports that may increase foraging efficiency, but this also may be due to sampling bias, as they are more easily seen on forest edges. It is frugivorous, but will also eat insects, leaves, and bird eggs. One long-term study reported that they consume mainly nectar gum and sap, with fruit and arthropods forming small proportion of diet. Nectar from the flowers of the burtram palm (Eugeissona tristus) seems to be a key resource.

Listed as Vulnerable as there has probably a more than 30% reduction in population over three generations (approximately 21-24 years) based on harvesting for the pet trade and extensive habitat loss. The species occurs in several protected areas throughout its range. Studies on Sumatera are urgently needed to confirm conservation status. The species is protected by law in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, and has been recently transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I of CITES.

Photo : Entang Iskandar