10th Annual Scientific Conference

Dr. drh. Joko Pamungkas, MSc – Director of PRC-IPB, among others, received a certificate of appreciation as source person at Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association (A-PBA) in Cebu, Philippines (3rd from the right)
Cebu, Philippines (23-26 June 2015) PREDICT-USAID Indonesia who was represented by Dr. drh. Joko Pamungkas, M.Sc attended the 10th Annual Scientific Conference with thematic topic “Asia-Pacific Biosafety – Into a New Era of Collective Ownership and Leadership”. The conference aims at generating a forum exchange on the various developments of biosafety at the global level, with special area of interest to the Asia-Pacific Region. Topic of discussion ranges from Global Biorisk issues to technical scientific knowledge sharing relevant to biosafety professional in the region. International biosafety experts and professionals from around the world and the region will be speaking and sharing their knowledge and experiences.
Dr. Pamungkas addressed a topic “Integrating Animal and Public Health – Seamless Total Solution for a Safety World” (http://www.a-pba.org/conference/speakers.html#Joko)